Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

Winters cool vibe quietly encourages us to hibernate

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The mornings are slow to lighten and the evenings,  dark veil comes so quickly.

Winter is upon us , it’s harder to stay Motivated even for the most motivated people it is hard.

Yoga is not designed for the weight loss or fitness , but it will help the mind and body to stay Motivated  to stay healthy and happy .

Human Bodies are designed to move, our blood must pump, our heart rates should be elevated we need to puff , this invigorates our systems helping to get rid of stubborn toxins in our tissues as well as sending endorphins through us to make us happy , calm and the best version of ourselves .

So don’t skip your yoga class for the warmth of the couch in your lounge room, because the yoga class is the trigger to the whole cycle of wellness.

Strike a pose, it’s all part of a very ancient remedy to reduce disease and empower the mind.


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We ask questions today-why? What? How?

Why should I practice yoga?

What is Yoga going to do for ME?

How is yoga going to make my life better?

Your Life can be a reflection of your yoga practice, it will never be perfert BUT you will become stronger and committed to growth.

Yoga Practice will help you clean that slate each day, so the next day and the next day are fresh , exciting and you want to be part of this amazing world.

Yoga is not an exercise it is a healing tool, the human body and brain feed off each other. Yoga poses are designed to light up the areas of the brain to release, tightness , chemicals in the form of hormones and the emotional restraints, that we place on ourselves subconsciously as we work or live in a stressful environment .

We as humans were never designed to endure stress for long periods of time .

We do short bursts of stress well, as long as we release that daily but if we carry this stress from one day to the next, the body will shut down mentally or physically and then eventually both .

Yoga will teach you body awareness, which lets you see that , each thing you do to your body effects your mind.

Make time for your Yoga Practice this year, let yoga revele what you really want for yourself emotionally and mentally in 2019.




As we progress through the 2018, breathe slowly.

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Gosh! we are nearly at the end of February, 2018 is proving to be moving at a rapid pace, with the humidity and rain curling even the straightest hair.

We are challenged daily with external factors, whether it be uncomfortable heat or steamity as I like to call it, or maybe the constant fear tactics from the media and the government.

Its hard not to be effected and a little exhausted by it.

The message I would like to put out there is just do your best and expect that standard to change daily.

We are different everyday and a little time each morning to check in with you will help you understand yourself.

Stop!! breathe slowly and from your belly.

Close your eyes and breathe in happiness to your heart then breathe out tension and negativity.

Exercise daily alternate yoga and some other form of activity.

Eat healthy food made with your hands.

Sleep for at least 7 hours.

Try to cut out using plastic and feel like you are helping our creatures of the world, this will bring goodness back to you.

We will chat again in March stay on track and love the you that YOU are.