Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

Time to Breathe and Time to feel

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When we take the time to breathe properly and feel that breathe coming in and out of the body we are doing yoga.

We are allowing all the fluids within the body such as the cerebrospinal fluid, blood, digestive juices, ect ect to flow with the breath.

We are recalabrating our energy lines, thats why we will feel calm, clear headed and emotionally stable.

We can see and feel with the body and mind what the actual situation is that we are dealing with right at this moment.

This stops the mind and brain leading us a merry dance with what might happen in the future and what happened in the passed last time or what happened to someone else ect ect.

We learn to look inside the body and mind and see who we are based on what we are feeling at this moment without the distractions of the past and present.

Little bit by little bit we build the bridge to self realisation and start to understand what is best for us and how and what we need to stay happy and balance mentally emotionally and physically.


Autumn but almost Winter!

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While travelling in my car, I heard a funny comment on the radio….. this is how it went. In winter bears hibernate, eating and sleeping with no activity. This is so they can put a layer of fat on to keep warm and sleep for the entire Winter.

Then the radio announcer went on to say but humans are not suppose to hibernate during Winter, eating ,lying on the couch, watching reruns of movies in our Pyjamas.

To me this does sound cosy especially when we have had our first snap of chilly weather, but honestly the best sunrises and sunsets are now so make sure your not couch bound and get out there and live.

Your body will thank you for moving and stay in shape to face the unveiling when Summer comes around.

So don’t be a bear and start resembling the shape of a pear!

Keep on moving and a grooving so your mind stays happy and your tum stays trim.

The hardest part is the start of anything so focus on starting a routine and stick to it.

Make the time to find peace!

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In the silence of the morning, just before the sun rises is a time when your thoughts have not yet started to zoom around your brain.

This is the perfect time for meditation and light yoga, so you can start each day fresh with a clear mind and a limber body.

I like to finish each day with the sunset to remind myself to bring closure to events, thoughts and decisions of the day.

I am lucky to see the sunset while my evening yoga class is on and I feel this creates a significant impact on the body and mind connection.

The sunset re enforces the need to let go of the stuff each day brings even though some altercations or actions though the day have made us uncomfortable or angry or fearful.

As humans we are organic and our bodies will absorb peoples words and actions everyday. If you let this build up within you, it creates a stressful environment mentally and physically. We must learn to let go of all events daily, this is why it feels so good to  unwind the body through yoga so the mind follows and both become relaxed and calm.

We are reminded that our wellbeing is of upmost importance and nothing is more vital than health and happiness.

Love yourself and set yourself free through yoga.

Namaste !