Yoga at Alex Beach Pose


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Its the time of Year for new growth, warm sunny days and smiley faces, we should be amazed at Natures burst of energy and feel the fresh vibe. So get rid of those winter layers and feel free to show the world the amazing YOU!

It’s Autumn ?

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Feels a little cooler, the air is crisp and the early mornings and late evenings are making us add a layer of clothing.
The beautiful thing in Autumn is the amazing sunrises and sunsets, the colourful skies take your breath away.
Time to spend focused on yoga even more, so that stiffness doesn’t creep in.
Eating warmer foods and keeping our feet warm and cosy, is the trick to loving Autumn. Here’s a photo of just one of the magical sunrises that I had the pleasure of witnessing ?


Yoga and Breathing techniques

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  1. What is all the fuss about breathing?? …
    Yes you breathe automatically BUT learning to regulate the breath is the best medicine anyone can do. Life becomes easier, you can control your mind and it’s wild antics , you can control stress , anxiety, pretty much all of life’s roll-coasteering of emotions. Regulating your breath helps your posture and all the systems of the body starting with the most important central nervous system. Yoga is breath and breath is Yoga.
    Union of the mind and body through breath is a healer, a supporter, the answer to a happier life.


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The year is flying, as we roll to the end of August, I feel the need to reset and remind myself to step out of time zone and into my own being. I need to sit , breath , place a hand on my heart, and relax the thinking brain. Let myself feel my own breath ,feel the very core that is me.

My thinking Brain will pressure me to fit in with a fast pace that our society so worships but I stop , reset and come back to my own being and I will give my body time to breathe, time to feel and stress will not own me.
Happiness is obtainable as the universe will accept me just as I am.
As a human I must feel alive , I must feel free or I will die a little inside each moment I am not true to that survival instinct. ❤️