Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

Crescent Moon 🌙 May 2023

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The crescent Moon 🌙 always reminds me to look to the world with fresh eyes. Don’t let your mind replace new experiences with stale old memories that can sometimes distort and ruin a present gift of being beautiful affected by the moment right Now!!🙌🏾🌱🌙

April Here We Come🤸‍♂️

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Easter has rolled around and I want to wish everyone a happy time.
Easter is not really a holiday time for most of us but it certainly brings back happy memories when I was a child or when my girls were little😊.
These days Easter is just another long weekend and I get to choose how I would like to spend it💜

I am lucky enough to live near the sea, so an early surf or a beach run with my doggo are often my choice to start my day. So that’s where you will find me through Easter, What will you be doing for pleasure??

Let’s Hope April /Easter brings some time to do something you love💗

March Already🍁

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Here we are in March of 2023, I hope you have taken some steps to have time for yourself this year😊.
Time is often mismanaged, this is not an intention it just happens. How can you change this in order to have more time for yourself?

  1. Look over your day and see where you lose a lot of your time
  2. maybe start your day earlier without compromising your 8 hours sleep.
  3. Try to stay more in the moment and not waste time on thinking about things that might happen or things that have already happened and there is no changing them.
    I wish you luck making any changes that brings you more time for yourself and in turn feeling happier in 2023
  4. I am still on my mission to be healthier this year to keep my energy levels high so I can age gracefully and as strongly as I can.
    I feel it is very important to take charge of your own health as you are the one that knows yourself the best. I hope I can inspire you to do this also so you feel you can take on anything that comes your way in 2023.

Here we are February 2023.

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It’s Tropical, it’s Summer which means rising early and feeling those delicious balmy evenings.
I have taken a step to detox a little by increasing greens and all live foods plus taking some special herbs to support my journey.
Yoga helps the process of detox , through movement and present mind.
Day 1. Achy Joints and a headache, which pretty much goes as I start moving on rising.
I went for a surf early and my energy is still good. Feeling super relaxed and happy so far.
I will update as the week rolls on. I hope this inspires you to do something for yourself this week. 💜💚

Everything you need is here right in this moment!

Happy New Year 💫

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Yoga Classes Resume January 17th for 2023.
Let’s make it a great year, adopt yoga to help you bring simplicity back into your life. Let yoga guide and inspire you to have the life that is perfect for you. 🫶

Christmas Holidays 🤶

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The Christmas Month is here and Yoga classes are closing for a short break. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a fun New Year, keep it simple and enjoy the special moments ❤️

I look forward to seeing you in January to practice yoga in 2023, fresh and relaxed 😎

Summer 🌺

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Summer is here and the last couple of months of 2022 so keep keen and grounded by practicing your yoga 🧘‍♀️ Breathe deeper , Breathe slower , practice an open heart yoga and be grateful for natures beauty. 🌹


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Spring is here, a perfect time to celebrate the glorious sunrises and longer days . More time to be in Nature and feel the energy of the earth, which is so nurturing to a human warming to the body and calming to the mind.