Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

Make the time to find peace!

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In the silence of the morning, just before the sun rises is a time when your thoughts have not yet started to zoom around your brain. This is the perfect time for meditation and light yoga, so you can start each day fresh with a clear mind and a limber body. I like to finish each… Read more »


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Look at the picture below and drool . This a treat when you feel like a hit of sweet chocolate, its simple cold and delicious. Banana Pure Organic Cocoa or half Cacao Coconut Cinnamon Soak !/2 cup of cashews and 1/2 cup of macadamia in coconut water in the fridge overnight. In a food processor… Read more »

Where do I start!

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Happy Australia Day!   Feeling Lost at the start of the year already.   Life is a constant roller coaster, we feel good ,then we don’t feel so good. So what to do….Where to start!! Feeling a bit ordinary, then stand in an open space and simply do the stretch below. Inhale in the middle… Read more »

Make peace with your mind!

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The sunset drenches the world in amazing colours, the birds grow unusually quiet, it is the time to silence the mind.  I balance myself on two stools overlooking a tiny valley, the sun is my goddess her beauty is mercerising. I move my body into the ancient  yoga pose called Trikonasana , I can feel the… Read more »

Get in the swing!

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This time of year is all about caring for yourself, so lets make us some good clean energy! Healthy food and moving our bodies will create clean ,healthy energy, this is going to make us feel good. When we feel good ,we are happy, we are emotionally stable, we are content . So veggies, salads,get those… Read more »