Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

Lets travel through the body one chakra at a time.

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  We will start the chakra journey at the head  this is the 7th chakra. The most powerful of all chakras ,it is called ‘ The Crown’ we visualise the crown chakra as white because it represents all the lower chakra colours combined. This is the chakra (or energy centre) that connects us to pure consciousness , in other words all… Read more »

Food you SHOULD be eating.

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This week we are talking about Fermented foods and the positive influence they have on our guts. One of my personal favourite fermented foods is Sauerkraut, which directly translates to ‘sour cabbage’, but wait! do not be deterred this finely cut cabbage is actually delicious! WATCH THIS SPACE for my homemade recipe coming to you… Read more »

Making that lasting impression.

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                    “When you place your foot on freshly raked sand, it is evident how deep that impression actually is.” This is the same foot you will use when you take yourself through any new situation. Walking towards the unknown can be an uncomfortable. So, the free spins… Read more »

Prepare for an Amazing Journey

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In the rush of life I want Yoga at Alex to help prepare you for your journey, create that force field of intelligence so body and mind support each other.     “Like the tree’s root system that grounds and holds the tree strong through damaging winds or unpredictable storms” During your yoga practise, as we… Read more »