Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

The moment

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In the blink of an eye the moment is gone. The many moments in one person’s life could create a very long story.

How do we stop the mind from jumping ahead instead of stopping in the moment??

There are a few things which can help train the mind to let go and allow you to immerse yourself in the moment.

Her are just two ideas you can use:

Focus on you’re breathing,  you can count 2 on your inhale breath and 4 on your exhale breath, every time the mind wanders bring yourself back to the rhythm of the breathing.

Another idea to  help let go of your thoughts and immerse yourself in the moment is by staring into a beautiful sunset or sunrise ,it can be mesmerising and it feels like it is seeping into your soul.

Both of these suggestions will bring a calmness to the central nervous system ,this will turn your thought patterns down making it easier to stop and absorb your environment and really feel your body on the earth and the amazing life/energy within your body.

Do the best you can keep moving and believe in yourself.

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Positive thinking and flowing movements can help interupt pathways the brain has produced to create pain within the body.

We can change these pathways by focusing on shifting the pain by moving through it with  flowing movements and opening painful areas with the healing breathe. Literally peeling  the layers away.

Once the brain learns the body has pain it sends a signal to that area, sometimes the brain keeps producing this signal even when the injury has healed.

The signal actually gets stronger as the brain gets better and better at producing this signal, this is where positive thinking and focusing on disrupting the signal will eventually stop the pain cycle without using drugs.

Yoga has been praised for helping people mindfully use the breathe to free the body of pain, people  then realise the power of  the brain as its forced to be in the moment where there is no pain and from there bringing control back into their lives.

This can start with a simple positive thought of happiness by smiling to reflect what you want the body to feel helps to make it real.



Winter to hide from the cold or to face the music…..

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Gloomy skies cool days, cold nights sounds like Winter.  The presence of Winters cloak of grey definitely  makes it harder to be enthusiastic but the best thing for the body in Winter is to move and keep warm.

The joints feel a little stiffer and we feel a little tighter but if we practice our yoga regularly, the body will not suffer so much through the cooler months.

If anything we should do more yoga, it activates the immune system to keep us well from the flu season and  strengthens the circulatory system as well as loads more treats for our bodies.

Vinyasa is a perfect form of yoga for the cooler months building warm and energy quickly.

Coming to class during those Winter months will help you enjoy these winter months and before you know it, the warm days will return.

so chin up and lets Yoga On!



When I go to a yoga class…

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When I go to a yoga class I want to do yoga, but in order to feel good doing yoga I have to prepare my body.

Awaken my spine to a flowing breathe and open my hips so they don’t constrict my movements.

Unfortunately I’m not your super flexible yogi who can jump straight into a cross-legged position and start stretching with flowing arm movements.

When I go to a  yoga class I want to feel good, enjoy my body, I like a challenge but I don’t like to feel constricted.

These are the steps I have put in place in my own yoga classes, so the benefits of yoga can seep deeply into our subconscious minds and physical memories.

I want everyone to walk away from one of my classes feeling in love with their bodies and passionate about their lives.

It is only through experience that I have discovered how adaptable we really are if given the right encouragement.

So I start my classes off slow and encourage the body to relax and open up, then 9 out of ten times our bodies will be way more responsive than rushing straight into a cross legged pose or straight into a sun salute.

I hope this will help you understand yoga and stick with this ancient art of healing ,particularly  if you are struggling at this moment.

Yoga can help us through many physical and mental barriers, as it places us in a state of physical awareness the brain pathways start to feel a renewed light and energy and create a new connection or reconnection  between our physical form and our energy form.

We recognise  that it is our own power or energy that gives us our choices that will eventually direct our lives to a deeper understanding of ourselves which seems to lift a giant weight from our shoulders.

Yoga shows us a simpler path through life, we just have to practice the ancient art!


Do we take ourselves too seriously

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If you are a product of todays society, then you probably take good care of yourself. Drink the correct amount of water, eat clean, healthy food and organic food when possible. You probably spend the same amount of time exercising everyday as well as trying to get 8 hours of sleep every night.

If you are addicted to being healthy this can be an added stress, if at the end of each day you feel guilty because you have missed out on something from your routine because there was not enough hours in the day , it could be doing you more harm than good.

The body does like predictability, but instead of making your whole day a routine, my answer is keep the important things as the everyday routine  like mostly 8 hours sleep, definitely drink enough water but when it comes to the same exercise daily here is where you can mix it up.

Use accidental exercise if you know you have something on after work , like walking to work or use the stairs all day. Stand up regularly if you have a desk job and stretch while breathing deeply.

Make sure you slot in a few things that you enjoy during the working week so you look forward to each day and make them simple things which don’t cost a lot and won’t harm your health.

Treat yourself to little things like a glass of wine on the weekends, read your favourite magazine in the supermarket for free. Spend at least 10mins when you get out of bed on your yoga mat, this will start your day positively, if you can spare more time sometimes, do yoga for longer. Swim in the ocean make time to be alone and enjoy your own company.

Be a little bit flexible and add variety to your week, you will find life a lot less serious and more to laugh about.

Laughter is probably the best medicine  for you, and if your routine varies you will be a whole lot more relaxed about it and be more spontaneous and creative. Good luck with these changes and enjoy you because there is no one like you.





Make Peace With Your Mind

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As the sun sets it drenches my world in amazing colours, too perfect to describe, the birds grow unusually quiet and I feel the time to silence my mind.

I climb up on two tall stools overlooking a small valley, the height of the stools, forces me to balance, I am immediately  drawn to the present moment . Some of the best live games you can find are:.

Without lifting my graze from the mesmerising sun, I slowly lengthen my body to form the ancient yoga pose of Trikonasana. But these images are simply edited, siberian storm slot machine we also provide first class customer service support for 24 hours. I feel the rays of the sun pierce through my heart and set my spirit free! Choose between promotions for slots, video poker, blackjack or stick with the standard welcome promotion open to most games.

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“I make mistakes, I am not perfect but my intentions are to do the best I can, my oath is to treat people as I would like to be treated”.

As the sun is slowly absorbed by the earthy hills, I feel closure to the day this brings me contentment and encourages a fresh start when the first light of the new day comes. Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store.
