Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

Get in the swing!

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This time of year is all about caring for yourself, so lets make us some good clean energy!

Healthy food and moving our bodies will create clean ,healthy energy, this is going to make us feel good.

When we feel good ,we are happy, we are emotionally stable, we are content .

So veggies, salads,get those antioxidents in for glowing skin, shiny hair, proteins to grow new cells of every kind .

A happy body will give you the energy you desire that positive vibe of goodness oozing from your smile!

Of course Im going to say part of feeling good is moving.

Feeling your body moving in a flowing motion accompanied by your amazing breathe, is the final key in unlocking your world of knowlegde about what you need to function at your  most vibrational level.

The path or journey of self realisation is really about loving everything you are, so by following only two rules most of the time

1. Eat healthy and  2. practice yoga. will bring you there.



Do the best you can keep moving and believe in yourself.

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Positive thinking and flowing movements can help interupt pathways the brain has produced to create pain within the body.

We can change these pathways by focusing on shifting the pain by moving through it with  flowing movements and opening painful areas with the healing breathe. Literally peeling  the layers away.

Once the brain learns the body has pain it sends a signal to that area, sometimes the brain keeps producing this signal even when the injury has healed.

The signal actually gets stronger as the brain gets better and better at producing this signal, this is where positive thinking and focusing on disrupting the signal will eventually stop the pain cycle without using drugs.

Yoga has been praised for helping people mindfully use the breathe to free the body of pain, people  then realise the power of  the brain as its forced to be in the moment where there is no pain and from there bringing control back into their lives.

This can start with a simple positive thought of happiness by smiling to reflect what you want the body to feel helps to make it real.



Make Peace With Your Mind

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As the sun sets it drenches my world in amazing colours, too perfect to describe, the birds grow unusually quiet and I feel the time to silence my mind.

I climb up on two tall stools overlooking a small valley, the height of the stools, forces me to balance, I am immediately  drawn to the present moment . Some of the best live games you can find are:.

Without lifting my graze from the mesmerising sun, I slowly lengthen my body to form the ancient yoga pose of Trikonasana. But these images are simply edited, siberian storm slot machine we also provide first class customer service support for 24 hours. I feel the rays of the sun pierce through my heart and set my spirit free! Choose between promotions for slots, video poker, blackjack or stick with the standard welcome promotion open to most games.

The sun is my goddess and I feel her energy lighten my load. Many casinos will offer no deposits and bonus codes for free spins to get you to sign up as a new member. The words that enter my mind are soft and forgiving.

“I make mistakes, I am not perfect but my intentions are to do the best I can, my oath is to treat people as I would like to be treated”.

As the sun is slowly absorbed by the earthy hills, I feel closure to the day this brings me contentment and encourages a fresh start when the first light of the new day comes. Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store.


What is something I can do to open my body up and relieve tension

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Lie on the floor place your hands behind the back of your head and rest your head in the palms of your hands.

Open your hips and let the soles of your feet touch.

This full supine butterfly or Supta Baddha Konasana.

This makes the body feel open through the heart and  open through hips as well as letting the air flow into our armpits, it really is relaxing straight away the mind will sense this space and you can easily let go of a tense situation or long day.

Breathing long deep breathes with the chest open like this, will enable you to relax quickly without feeling like you are forcing it.

If this is not comfortable for you because you have tight hips, place a pillow on the outside of your knees so they can rest on it this will lessen the depth the hips open for you.

Always remember if the body feels relaxed and calm it will allow a deeper release. Once you have had enough, roll on your side hug your knees to your chest in the fetal position, with your chin tucked to your chest and a round back . Stay here for a couple of breaths before you get up and on with what you have to do.


The 1st Chakra-Muladhara (Root Chakra)

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The First Chakra is situated closest to the earth, that is why it is also known as the root Chakra.

Its exact location is at the base of the spine, it is the seat or dwelling place for our primal energy, kundalini lies here in the shape of a serpent coiled up. Most casinos have a spinning value of x your stake.

The aim of yoga is to awaken the  sleeping serpent or kundalini energy and lead it up through the higher Chakras (discussed earlier in my blog) so pure energy unites with pure consciousness. V, a company behind several casinos with years of experience in the iGaming industry.

The colour red is connected to the root Chakra and the sound of Lam resinates here. There is no need to download an app separately since the website opens seamlessly on your mobile browser.

When balanced we feel secure, grounded, safe, bearing a strong connection to our planet earth. Free 3 Card Poker allows you to understand the rules and bets risk-free, while Three Card Poker for real money lets you win cash prizes.

When unbalanced we can feel threatened by the world, floaty or ungrounded  and sometimes feeling rather “stuck”

Asanas or poses to bring awareness to the root Chakra are

1. Mula Bandha (pelvic floor)

2. thunderbolt

3. Downward Dog

4. Earth Warrior

5. locust


2nd Chakra- Sacral chakra

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Say hello  to your Sacral Chakra which lies in the centre of the pelvis, this chakra also known as Svahisthana which means “ones own abode-dwelling place”.

It holds a lot of power psychologically and energically, our primal instincts are controlled here. The Sacral chakra holds our passion and creativity.

The element of water is connected to Svahisthana so when this Chakra is balanced it allows us to go with the flow of life and be flexible. We will be adaptable, and able to let go of growth retarding thoughts or memories.

If this Chakra is unbalanced we may feel uncontrolled passions and sexual energies, unable to let go of damaging or harmful thoughts in your memory. A wishy-washy or indecisiveness can be expressed when the  Sacral Chakra is unbalanced.

It is attached to the colour Orange and the Mantra YAM!

Physically it controls reproductive organs/bowel and organs of excretion/sacrum and sacroiliac joint.

Asanas or yoga poses to assist this Chakra are

1.pelvic tilts

2. Bridge or setubandhasana


4. pigeon

You guessed it ….The Forth Chakra

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anahata- heart-chakra-yoga-maroochydore-love-compassion

Anahata or Heart chakra is locate in the area of the heart. The colour green is associated with this Chakra, the areas of the body that Anahata governs are the cardiac region, lungs, arms and hands.

This Chakra is often the focus of most yoga classes as the heart represents love, and without love humans cannot exist.

However when this Chakra is unbalanced we become overly emotional, possessive, jealous, struck in grief or may feel as though the heart has shut down.

When balanced the heart Chakra or energy centre gives us the feeling of fearlessness, devotion, empathy, compassion and unconditional love.

Humans thrive in a loving environment and like all living beings we need love and the vibration love brings into the body and mind. The feeling of love activates endorphins so we feel good, happy and vibrant.

This is most obvious in couples that have just fallen in love, and feelings are intense and powerful. A fresh glow in their faces is usually seen.

The yoga poses that help keep this Chakra open and keep spinning are all arm and hand sequences.

For example circle of joy and eagle arms. All back bends help bring energy to Anahata, such as cobra, camel pose and Wheel pose.

The 5th Chakra is called the throat chakra or Vishuddha.

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The throat Chakra is situated between the cervical (neck) spine and the throat area. When this Chakra is open, we feel a sense of freedom to express ourselves, inner calmness and peace.

When it is unbalanced or blocked, our energy seems scattered , we may lack confidence or feel as though we can’t clear our throat. Sometimes people say, I feel like I have a frog in my throat, an uncomfortable uneasy feeling.

This is when we need to work on opening this particular Chakra.

The colour sky blue is connected to the throat Chakra and the physical areas of the body that are influenced by this chakra are

the Laryngeal nerve plexus, vocal cords, thyroid, parathyroid glands,larynx.

Asanas or poses to help free energy to the throat Chakra are:


3.shoulder stand and head stand pose.