Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

Get in the swing!

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This time of year is all about caring for yourself, so lets make us some good clean energy!

Healthy food and moving our bodies will create clean ,healthy energy, this is going to make us feel good.

When we feel good ,we are happy, we are emotionally stable, we are content .

So veggies, salads,get those antioxidents in for glowing skin, shiny hair, proteins to grow new cells of every kind .

A happy body will give you the energy you desire that positive vibe of goodness oozing from your smile!

Of course Im going to say part of feeling good is moving.

Feeling your body moving in a flowing motion accompanied by your amazing breathe, is the final key in unlocking your world of knowlegde about what you need to function at your  most vibrational level.

The path or journey of self realisation is really about loving everything you are, so by following only two rules most of the time

1. Eat healthy and  2. practice yoga. will bring you there.



The moment

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In the blink of an eye the moment is gone. The many moments in one person’s life could create a very long story.

How do we stop the mind from jumping ahead instead of stopping in the moment??

There are a few things which can help train the mind to let go and allow you to immerse yourself in the moment.

Her are just two ideas you can use:

Focus on you’re breathing,  you can count 2 on your inhale breath and 4 on your exhale breath, every time the mind wanders bring yourself back to the rhythm of the breathing.

Another idea to  help let go of your thoughts and immerse yourself in the moment is by staring into a beautiful sunset or sunrise ,it can be mesmerising and it feels like it is seeping into your soul.

Both of these suggestions will bring a calmness to the central nervous system ,this will turn your thought patterns down making it easier to stop and absorb your environment and really feel your body on the earth and the amazing life/energy within your body.

Do the best you can keep moving and believe in yourself.

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Positive thinking and flowing movements can help interupt pathways the brain has produced to create pain within the body.

We can change these pathways by focusing on shifting the pain by moving through it with  flowing movements and opening painful areas with the healing breathe. Literally peeling  the layers away.

Once the brain learns the body has pain it sends a signal to that area, sometimes the brain keeps producing this signal even when the injury has healed.

The signal actually gets stronger as the brain gets better and better at producing this signal, this is where positive thinking and focusing on disrupting the signal will eventually stop the pain cycle without using drugs.

Yoga has been praised for helping people mindfully use the breathe to free the body of pain, people  then realise the power of  the brain as its forced to be in the moment where there is no pain and from there bringing control back into their lives.

This can start with a simple positive thought of happiness by smiling to reflect what you want the body to feel helps to make it real.