youth and old age

Big news anti ageing pill soon to be available for human consumption. There is a lot of buzz around the develop of a pill which Professor Sinclair of the University of NSW has been working on. Boasting now about the effective results in just one week on old mice. In short the result is a 60 year old person can become as youthful as a 20 year old by taking this pill which would eradicate all ageing and age related illnesses. The pill is called NAD which stands for Nicotinamide mono-nucleotide, it works by improving the communication between the cells. We all produce this chemical naturally but by age 70 it looses 50% of its effectiveness.
But Professor Sinclair has stated by eating healthy with low calories daily and exercising our natural levels of NAD go up. Thats why we look better and feel better, when we are follow these guidelines.
So why wait for this pill which will probably be too expensive for the average person to buy and like all drugs will probably have some sort of side effects.
Lets just do what we know works and has now been proven by the great Sinclair and team of scientist, eating healthy, exercising and fitting that weekly yoga class, is keeping you younger in many ways. Lets be smart and take a step ourselves instead of the quick fix pills because honestly where is the satisfaction in that..
Its never to early in the year to eat a mango, bring summer into your day, keep cool by eating a fresh, delicious ,cold mango. The mango holds the power to protect the body in many ways with its high levels of vitamin C and vitamin A, protein ,potassium. So you see the humble mango protects the eyes,helps the body absorb iron,strengthens the skin structure , boosts immunity and is a low GI food as well as being sweet and yummy!
While visiting St Kilda I took the chance to share the view and imprint the memory on my brain. So of course sealing it with a pose, that I thought appropriate to the seaside. The eagle so much more than just a bird, as it glides across the skies it shows strength and power just by its presence. Next time you find yourself in eagle pose or garudasana, take a moment to feel the strength,power and freedom of the eagle.
STAND TALL and shine your light on the world….The world needs individualism…
If only we possessed the same energy as the moon, we would hold such power in the palm of our hand.
When the moon is full it seems to float in the sky, it seems it draws our attention and makes it quite hard to look away. It holds a cool female energy unlike the heat of the sun which is definitely male.
It effects the tides of the ocean and the rotation of the earth, just by existing, without the moon earth and human life as we know it cannot exist.
So of course this moon energy is the same energy in which we are made up of, this is why we are effected by the
different stages of the moon. Our power source is not as great as the moon but it is definitely the same.
We need to take note of our energy levels within ourselves, this is where yoga comes in, yoga is the method we use to keep our energy levels in harmony.
When we move the body in a flowing sequence using the power of the breath we are massaging internally, while opening all the channels that flow through the body.
These channels are much like the veins of the body except their job is sending energy where its need for each activity or organ function.
When one channel becomes blocked it can effect your whole wellbeing.
To prevent this from happening we must let go of all negative energy which does not serve us in anyway, so as the sun sets and the day closes we empty this baggage.
Then as the sun rises for the new day we have room to absorb good energy through yoga and breathing sequences to power up our body and mind.
The moon may not be as bright as the sun but it is definitely at least two and half times more powerful than the sun.
So next time you are feeling a bit stuck or out of sorts let the moon help open your energy centres and free your spirit. Lets bask in the light of the moon.
Lie on the floor place your hands behind the back of your head and rest your head in the palms of your hands.
Open your hips and let the soles of your feet touch.
This full supine butterfly or Supta Baddha Konasana.
This makes the body feel open through the heart and open through hips as well as letting the air flow into our armpits, it really is relaxing straight away the mind will sense this space and you can easily let go of a tense situation or long day.
Breathing long deep breathes with the chest open like this, will enable you to relax quickly without feeling like you are forcing it.
If this is not comfortable for you because you have tight hips, place a pillow on the outside of your knees so they can rest on it this will lessen the depth the hips open for you.
Always remember if the body feels relaxed and calm it will allow a deeper release. Once you have had enough, roll on your side hug your knees to your chest in the fetal position, with your chin tucked to your chest and a round back . Stay here for a couple of breaths before you get up and on with what you have to do.