Posts By: Yoga at Alex
Time to flow to keep the body warm through our Winter months
As we progress through the 2018, breathe slowly.
Gosh! we are nearly at the end of February, 2018 is proving to be moving at a rapid pace, with the humidity and rain curling even the straightest hair. We are challenged daily with external factors, whether it be uncomfortable heat or steamity as I like to call it, or maybe the constant fear tactics from the… Read more »
Ground your thoughts through Nature and Yoga.
Never underestimate Your body!
I want to tell you a brief story, about your body and yoga. I am always amazed how yoga can heal the body and that shift of physical response eliminates such tension mentally. After meeting a gentleman in his 70s who had worked all his life, in a busy industry, where it was crucial to… Read more »
Lay your mat here and lets do some yoga
How to reboot my brain and body in 15 mins
Often we say, my brain is too busy and my body is too tired. So what to do??? We want to connect the brain and body so they are running at the same rate, this can be done in as little as 15minutes, so whats your excuse. Here are 3 ways to do just… Read more »
Patiently waiting to greet the yoga people coming to class
Life can be a little simpler….if
Life is constantly changing, and can seem out of control. This is only so if we let it be this way, breathing deeply for 5 breaths, will calm your central nervous system and give you clarity of mind. Each time you feel overwhelmed practice this ritual and you will feel in control. You are in the… Read more »
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