Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

Open Your Eyes !

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When you take the time to step away from your computer screen or phone or Television set, you have a chance to invest in your health and wellbeing. Three things you can do to alleviate stress or pressure from home and work : 1. Remove your shoes and walk through the sand or grass, feel the… Read more »

Two secrets to enjoying your yoga class more…..

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The most important thing to do within a yoga class is to focus on breathing, and to feel it moving through you like a fresh breeze, the same feeling you get when opening a window on a summers day. This will automatically start to relax the body, so you feel space start to appear where tightness… Read more »

The 1st Chakra-Muladhara (Root Chakra)

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    The First Chakra is situated closest to the earth, that is why it is also known as the root Chakra. Its exact location is at the base of the spine, it is the seat or dwelling place for our primal energy, kundalini lies here in the shape of a serpent coiled up. Most… Read more »

2nd Chakra- Sacral chakra

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Say hello  to your Sacral Chakra which lies in the centre of the pelvis, this chakra also known as Svahisthana which means “ones own abode-dwelling place”. It holds a lot of power psychologically and energically, our primal instincts are controlled here. The Sacral chakra holds our passion and creativity. The element of water is connected to… Read more »

The Third Chakra-Manipura

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    The Third Chakra lies in the area between  the abdomen and the lumbar spine. It is known as the fire Chakra it projects energy and vitality through the body and mind. The third chakra is also know as Manipura meaning ‘city of jewels’, Manipura is the meeting place for the upward moving prana(energy) and the… Read more »

You guessed it ….The Forth Chakra

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Anahata or Heart chakra is locate in the area of the heart. The colour green is associated with this Chakra, the areas of the body that Anahata governs are the cardiac region, lungs, arms and hands. This Chakra is often the focus of most yoga classes as the heart represents love, and without love humans… Read more »

The 5th Chakra is called the throat chakra or Vishuddha.

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    The throat Chakra is situated between the cervical (neck) spine and the throat area. When this Chakra is open, we feel a sense of freedom to express ourselves, inner calmness and peace. When it is unbalanced or blocked, our energy seems scattered , we may lack confidence or feel as though we can’t… Read more »

Its time to get to know the 6th chakra!

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    Ajna or spiritual eye chakra is centred between the eyebrows like a third eye, this is the chakra linked to our intuition. When  his chakra is balanced we will hold strong sense of will power, concentration, memory and spiritual connection. When we focus on the third eye we visualise the colour purple surrounded by blue blending… Read more »