Yoga at Alex Beach Pose


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As humans we must experience all emotions , it nice to feel happiness and not so nice to feel sadness, there are other emotions such as excitement, anger, fear, disgust and surprise.

All emotions create either a positive or negative reaction which is a rush of chemicals internally which stimulate external behaviour.

When we are angry the chemicals such as adrenaline, testosterone increase and cortisol decreases. The heart rate is elevated, theres a rise in blood pressure along with the blood flooding the left brain hemisphere where decisions are made.

The changes we see externally are many, such as a change in the colour of the skin it usually goes red, there can be sweating, shaking, people try to appear bigger by standing with their hands on their hips and legs apart.

When we experience the emotion sadness, we feel most vulnerable, and even hopeless, but as much as we would choose not to feel sad, it is an emotion we must experience it along with all the others.

Yoga is an excellent olive branch to emotion balance, it helps to defuse the power the mind has to drown us in a negative emotion.

Yoga brings the mind and body together in the present moment, making it impossible for the mind to create the scenarios of what might happen or what happened in the past. This is what creates anxiety, stress, lethargy and darkness.

Practicing yoga with your focus on your breath brings light and purpose into our lives.



Aristotle Onassis


It is in learning to focus that we go stronger and the negative emotions have less power over us but we must practice yoga daily to remind the mind to focus on the light.





Why wait for the pill?

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Big news anti ageing pill soon to be available for human consumption. There is a lot of buzz around the develop of a pill which Professor Sinclair of the University of NSW has been working on. Boasting now about the effective results in just one week on old mice. In short the result is a 60 year old person can become as youthful as a 20 year old by taking this pill which would eradicate all ageing and age related illnesses. The pill is  called NAD which stands for Nicotinamide mono-nucleotide, it works by improving the communication between the cells. We all produce this chemical naturally but by age 70 it looses 50% of its effectiveness.

But Professor Sinclair has stated by eating healthy with low calories daily and exercising our natural levels of NAD go up. Thats why we look better and feel better, when we are follow these guidelines.

So why wait for this pill which will probably be too expensive for the average person to buy and like all drugs will probably have some sort of side effects.

Lets just do what we know works and has now been proven by the great Sinclair and team of scientist, eating healthy, exercising and fitting that weekly yoga class, is keeping you younger in many ways. Lets be smart and take a step ourselves instead of the quick fix pills because honestly where is the satisfaction in that..

Beating the heat!!

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Its never to early in the year to eat a mango, bring summer into your day, keep cool by eating a fresh, delicious ,cold mango. The mango holds the power to protect the body in many ways with its high levels of vitamin C and vitamin A, protein ,potassium.  So you see the humble mango protects the eyes,helps the body absorb iron,strengthens  the skin structure , boosts immunity and is a low GI  food as well as being sweet and yummy!

Melbourne visit

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While visiting St Kilda I took the chance to share the view and imprint the memory on my brain. So of course sealing it with a pose, that I thought appropriate to the seaside. The eagle  so much more than just a bird, as it glides across the skies it shows strength and power just by its presence. Next time you find yourself in eagle pose or garudasana, take a moment to feel the strength,power and freedom of the eagle.

Sexy Summer Skin

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When you first fall in love, you have the WOW! factor, you look amazing and you feel fabulous.

The skin glows and your eyes sparkle, but unfortunately this cannot last forever. So we have to help the body to keep the love up look, below is a few ways of doing so.

Laughter is number 1: The feeling of a good belly laugh releases endorphines these help send wellbeing messages via the central nervous system, to the largest organ of our body which is the skin.

The skin works hard to eliminate toxins and creates a barrier for our internal organs so in return dry brushing in a circular motion towards the heart will help keep pores clean and  skin supple.The lymph system is also effected by the circular dry brushing, this assists the lymphatic system in eliminating excess fluid that causes puffiness, cellulite and that grey unhealthy tinge.

Get some Vitamin D from the sun but don’t get burnt. Spend 15 mins in the sun without sunscreen in the early hours of the morning or  late afternoon to get your dosage of Vitamin D. This will give you a lovely glow as well as warding of lots of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, depression, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.

Make sure whatever you use on your skin is as natural as possible, nasty chemicals lie hidden in a lot of creams for example some sunscreens  have octyl methoxycinnamate   which has been proven to disrupt brain and thyroid function. Another chemical in sunscreens is oxybenzone which disrupts the endocrine system and creates organ toxicity.

Yoga is a great motivator to all the organs of the body to eliminate toxins through the asanas,  particularly  the twists. As we move through our poses. Yoga creates a pure environment which makes us feel good through chemical release from our glands and the natural source of deep breathing enhances the oxygen levels within the body,  this is a special tool to help make the skin glow.

As we know the skin is a mirror of the gut so lets eat clean from a rainbow of coloured fruits and vegetables which are full of antioxidants especially Vitamin C and A which promotes collagen and aides in repair.

Eat a good source of protein with each meal to keep cell renewal active and zinc levels up.

Drink heaps of  filtered water daily as all the systems of the body require water for function.

Eat sauerkraut which is full of probiotics to allow gut bacteria flourish.

Drink apple cider to stimulate your enzymes to help break down food so you can absorb the nutrients efficiently.

Lastly hug and  love your partners, children and animals, spread the love and feel the love in return.

Two secrets to enjoying your yoga class more…..

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The most important thing to do within a yoga class is to focus on breathing, and to feel it moving through you like a fresh breeze, the same feeling you get when opening a window on a summers day.

This will automatically start to relax the body, so you feel space start to appear where tightness and tension once was.

This will guide the mind into the space of the body and out of the head.

When you start to move the body with the breath, everything that seemed so important during that day will gradually slip away and you will experience a slice of freedom, that moment where there are no demands on you , and your body moves effortlessly accompanied by the breath like a graceful bird flying through the air.


The next important thing to do or rather not do within a yoga class is expect a particular outcome to each asana. if you want a certain outcome the body will automatically tense up and push to where the brain tells you it wants you to go. Eg: I want my head on my knees in a seated forward fold.

So instead of commanding the body to go to the end of the asana , image yourself floating within the asana with the visual power of the breath taking you with it.

This removes all stress and once the body feels safe and calm, it relaxes the muscles and you may be surprised just how far you get through the asana before the body puts the brakes on to hold you back .


We talk about acting without the ego, one step towards this is doing yoga using these two secrets mentioned above. Because if this is how you move through your yoga class, then  soon it will reflect in your everyday actions in your life.

The 1st Chakra-Muladhara (Root Chakra)

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The First Chakra is situated closest to the earth, that is why it is also known as the root Chakra.

Its exact location is at the base of the spine, it is the seat or dwelling place for our primal energy, kundalini lies here in the shape of a serpent coiled up. Most casinos have a spinning value of x your stake.

The aim of yoga is to awaken the  sleeping serpent or kundalini energy and lead it up through the higher Chakras (discussed earlier in my blog) so pure energy unites with pure consciousness. V, a company behind several casinos with years of experience in the iGaming industry.

The colour red is connected to the root Chakra and the sound of Lam resinates here. There is no need to download an app separately since the website opens seamlessly on your mobile browser.

When balanced we feel secure, grounded, safe, bearing a strong connection to our planet earth. Free 3 Card Poker allows you to understand the rules and bets risk-free, while Three Card Poker for real money lets you win cash prizes.

When unbalanced we can feel threatened by the world, floaty or ungrounded  and sometimes feeling rather “stuck”

Asanas or poses to bring awareness to the root Chakra are

1. Mula Bandha (pelvic floor)

2. thunderbolt

3. Downward Dog

4. Earth Warrior

5. locust


2nd Chakra- Sacral chakra

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Say hello  to your Sacral Chakra which lies in the centre of the pelvis, this chakra also known as Svahisthana which means “ones own abode-dwelling place”.

It holds a lot of power psychologically and energically, our primal instincts are controlled here. The Sacral chakra holds our passion and creativity.

The element of water is connected to Svahisthana so when this Chakra is balanced it allows us to go with the flow of life and be flexible. We will be adaptable, and able to let go of growth retarding thoughts or memories.

If this Chakra is unbalanced we may feel uncontrolled passions and sexual energies, unable to let go of damaging or harmful thoughts in your memory. A wishy-washy or indecisiveness can be expressed when the  Sacral Chakra is unbalanced.

It is attached to the colour Orange and the Mantra YAM!

Physically it controls reproductive organs/bowel and organs of excretion/sacrum and sacroiliac joint.

Asanas or yoga poses to assist this Chakra are

1.pelvic tilts

2. Bridge or setubandhasana


4. pigeon

The Third Chakra-Manipura

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Manipura-third -chakra-confidence-alexandra-headlands-yoga



The Third Chakra lies in the area between  the abdomen and the lumbar spine. It is known as the fire Chakra it projects energy and vitality through the body and mind.

The third chakra is also know as Manipura meaning ‘city of jewels’, Manipura is the meeting place for the upward moving prana(energy) and the downward moving prana because it sits in the centre of the body.

If our Manipura is active and open we will have a feeling of inner strength,determination , enthusiasm and our inner warrior will feel alive.

If it is unbalanced we will have a feeling of weakness, lack of self control, victim conscious, easily controlled by others.

This chakra controls the solar plexus , adrenal glands, digestive organs, lower back and abdomen.

Asanas or poses to awaken the third Chakra are

1. bow pose


3. fire in the belly series

4.boat poses

5.supine twist