Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

April Here We Come🤸‍♂️

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Easter has rolled around and I want to wish everyone a happy time.
Easter is not really a holiday time for most of us but it certainly brings back happy memories when I was a child or when my girls were little😊.
These days Easter is just another long weekend and I get to choose how I would like to spend it💜

I am lucky enough to live near the sea, so an early surf or a beach run with my doggo are often my choice to start my day. So that’s where you will find me through Easter, What will you be doing for pleasure??

Let’s Hope April /Easter brings some time to do something you love💗

March Already🍁

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Here we are in March of 2023, I hope you have taken some steps to have time for yourself this year😊.
Time is often mismanaged, this is not an intention it just happens. How can you change this in order to have more time for yourself?

  1. Look over your day and see where you lose a lot of your time
  2. maybe start your day earlier without compromising your 8 hours sleep.
  3. Try to stay more in the moment and not waste time on thinking about things that might happen or things that have already happened and there is no changing them.
    I wish you luck making any changes that brings you more time for yourself and in turn feeling happier in 2023
  4. I am still on my mission to be healthier this year to keep my energy levels high so I can age gracefully and as strongly as I can.
    I feel it is very important to take charge of your own health as you are the one that knows yourself the best. I hope I can inspire you to do this also so you feel you can take on anything that comes your way in 2023.

May 2O22

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As we cruise through the month of May 2O22 , we must reflect and stay grounded in our beliefs. In Queensland we have certainly had our share of rain, cyclones and unusual weather. This fills us with a bit of uncertainty and sadness for lots of people who lost their loved ones and homes. Its hard to have trust in the universe when we are presented with this picture but whatever the universe sends our way ,staying present in the moment always settles our ever fluctuating mind and emotions. Yoga and meditation is needed more than ever and if anything this is very evident here in the month of May , it is obvious that simplicity will help us cope with uncertainty and pain. So we must reflect ,breathe and practice yoga with a present mind, and we will fine peace

Reach for what you need but if its contentment you seek, you already have this, just look inside yourself and you shall see.

Autumn is full of Colour , feel the love of the Universe in all its glory.

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Always remember where your mind goes, your energy flows . Try to focus your mind on the beauty of the world. Or using touch to bring your mind back to the body and the NOW! touching your hand to your heart and feeling the beat and warmth can ground you and draw your mind into your control.


Winters cool vibe quietly encourages us to hibernate

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The mornings are slow to lighten and the evenings,  dark veil comes so quickly.

Winter is upon us , it’s harder to stay Motivated even for the most motivated people it is hard.

Yoga is not designed for the weight loss or fitness , but it will help the mind and body to stay Motivated  to stay healthy and happy .

Human Bodies are designed to move, our blood must pump, our heart rates should be elevated we need to puff , this invigorates our systems helping to get rid of stubborn toxins in our tissues as well as sending endorphins through us to make us happy , calm and the best version of ourselves .

So don’t skip your yoga class for the warmth of the couch in your lounge room, because the yoga class is the trigger to the whole cycle of wellness.

Strike a pose, it’s all part of a very ancient remedy to reduce disease and empower the mind.