Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

When I go to a yoga class…

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When I go to a yoga class I want to do yoga, but in order to feel good doing yoga I have to prepare my body.

Awaken my spine to a flowing breathe and open my hips so they don’t constrict my movements.

Unfortunately I’m not your super flexible yogi who can jump straight into a cross-legged position and start stretching with flowing arm movements.

When I go to a  yoga class I want to feel good, enjoy my body, I like a challenge but I don’t like to feel constricted.

These are the steps I have put in place in my own yoga classes, so the benefits of yoga can seep deeply into our subconscious minds and physical memories.

I want everyone to walk away from one of my classes feeling in love with their bodies and passionate about their lives.

It is only through experience that I have discovered how adaptable we really are if given the right encouragement.

So I start my classes off slow and encourage the body to relax and open up, then 9 out of ten times our bodies will be way more responsive than rushing straight into a cross legged pose or straight into a sun salute.

I hope this will help you understand yoga and stick with this ancient art of healing ,particularly  if you are struggling at this moment.

Yoga can help us through many physical and mental barriers, as it places us in a state of physical awareness the brain pathways start to feel a renewed light and energy and create a new connection or reconnection  between our physical form and our energy form.

We recognise  that it is our own power or energy that gives us our choices that will eventually direct our lives to a deeper understanding of ourselves which seems to lift a giant weight from our shoulders.

Yoga shows us a simpler path through life, we just have to practice the ancient art!


The powerful force of the Moon.

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If only we possessed the same energy as the moon, we would hold such power in the palm of our hand.

When the moon is full it seems to float in the sky, it seems it draws our attention and makes it quite hard to look away. It holds a cool female energy unlike the heat of the sun which is definitely male.

It effects the tides of the ocean and the rotation of the earth, just by existing, without the moon earth and human life as we know it cannot exist.

So of course this moon energy is the same energy in which we are made up of, this is why we are effected by the

different stages of the moon. Our power source is not as great as the moon but it is definitely the same.

We need to take note of our energy levels within ourselves, this is where yoga comes in, yoga is the method we use to keep our energy levels in harmony.

When we move the body in a flowing sequence using the power of the breath we are massaging internally, while opening all the channels that flow through the body.

These channels are much like the veins of the body except their job is sending energy  where its need for each activity or organ function.

When one channel becomes blocked it can effect your whole wellbeing.

To prevent this from happening we must let go of all negative energy which does not serve us in anyway, so as the sun sets and the day closes we empty this baggage.

Then as the sun rises for the new day we have room to absorb good energy through yoga and breathing sequences to power up our body and mind.

The moon may not be as bright as the sun but it is definitely at least two and half times more powerful than the sun.

So next time you are feeling a bit stuck or out of sorts let the moon help open your energy centres and free your spirit. Lets bask in the light of the moon.



Two secrets to enjoying your yoga class more…..

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The most important thing to do within a yoga class is to focus on breathing, and to feel it moving through you like a fresh breeze, the same feeling you get when opening a window on a summers day.

This will automatically start to relax the body, so you feel space start to appear where tightness and tension once was.

This will guide the mind into the space of the body and out of the head.

When you start to move the body with the breath, everything that seemed so important during that day will gradually slip away and you will experience a slice of freedom, that moment where there are no demands on you , and your body moves effortlessly accompanied by the breath like a graceful bird flying through the air.


The next important thing to do or rather not do within a yoga class is expect a particular outcome to each asana. if you want a certain outcome the body will automatically tense up and push to where the brain tells you it wants you to go. Eg: I want my head on my knees in a seated forward fold.

So instead of commanding the body to go to the end of the asana , image yourself floating within the asana with the visual power of the breath taking you with it.

This removes all stress and once the body feels safe and calm, it relaxes the muscles and you may be surprised just how far you get through the asana before the body puts the brakes on to hold you back .


We talk about acting without the ego, one step towards this is doing yoga using these two secrets mentioned above. Because if this is how you move through your yoga class, then  soon it will reflect in your everyday actions in your life.