Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

Yoga and Breathing techniques

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  1. What is all the fuss about breathing?? …
    Yes you breathe automatically BUT learning to regulate the breath is the best medicine anyone can do. Life becomes easier, you can control your mind and it’s wild antics , you can control stress , anxiety, pretty much all of life’s roll-coasteering of emotions. Regulating your breath helps your posture and all the systems of the body starting with the most important central nervous system. Yoga is breath and breath is Yoga.
    Union of the mind and body through breath is a healer, a supporter, the answer to a happier life.


As we progress through the 2018, breathe slowly.

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Gosh! we are nearly at the end of February, 2018 is proving to be moving at a rapid pace, with the humidity and rain curling even the straightest hair.

We are challenged daily with external factors, whether it be uncomfortable heat or steamity as I like to call it, or maybe the constant fear tactics from the media and the government.

Its hard not to be effected and a little exhausted by it.

The message I would like to put out there is just do your best and expect that standard to change daily.

We are different everyday and a little time each morning to check in with you will help you understand yourself.

Stop!! breathe slowly and from your belly.

Close your eyes and breathe in happiness to your heart then breathe out tension and negativity.

Exercise daily alternate yoga and some other form of activity.

Eat healthy food made with your hands.

Sleep for at least 7 hours.

Try to cut out using plastic and feel like you are helping our creatures of the world, this will bring goodness back to you.

We will chat again in March stay on track and love the you that YOU are.


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SEPTEMBER  HAS ARRIVED, we are excited to see the sun rising earlier and the sun setting later , more time to enjoy the beauty of the sunshine coast.

Take a walk on the beach , a dip in the ocean  or a yoga class by the setting sun. All these things inspire our minds to stay in the moment and be grateful that such delights are at our doorstep.

Here at YOGA AT ALEX , we are able to see the sun set as we move through our asanas or poses, it is very grounding to be part of the closing of the day and witness  the sun going down and the sky becoming an amazing colourful cloak that covers the world.

Peace is felt in the heart and we are reminded balance in our everyday life is essential.

I hope September is your month to feel at ease and grateful for your life. Namaste


Time to Breathe and Time to feel

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When we take the time to breathe properly and feel that breathe coming in and out of the body we are doing yoga.

We are allowing all the fluids within the body such as the cerebrospinal fluid, blood, digestive juices, ect ect to flow with the breath.

We are recalabrating our energy lines, thats why we will feel calm, clear headed and emotionally stable.

We can see and feel with the body and mind what the actual situation is that we are dealing with right at this moment.

This stops the mind and brain leading us a merry dance with what might happen in the future and what happened in the passed last time or what happened to someone else ect ect.

We learn to look inside the body and mind and see who we are based on what we are feeling at this moment without the distractions of the past and present.

Little bit by little bit we build the bridge to self realisation and start to understand what is best for us and how and what we need to stay happy and balance mentally emotionally and physically.