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When you first fall in love, you have the WOW! factor, you look amazing and you feel fabulous.
The skin glows and your eyes sparkle, but unfortunately this cannot last forever. So we have to help the body to keep the love up look, below is a few ways of doing so.
Laughter is number 1: The feeling of a good belly laugh releases endorphines these help send wellbeing messages via the central nervous system, to the largest organ of our body which is the skin.
The skin works hard to eliminate toxins and creates a barrier for our internal organs so in return dry brushing in a circular motion towards the heart will help keep pores clean and skin supple.The lymph system is also effected by the circular dry brushing, this assists the lymphatic system in eliminating excess fluid that causes puffiness, cellulite and that grey unhealthy tinge.
Get some Vitamin D from the sun but don’t get burnt. Spend 15 mins in the sun without sunscreen in the early hours of the morning or late afternoon to get your dosage of Vitamin D. This will give you a lovely glow as well as warding of lots of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, depression, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.
Make sure whatever you use on your skin is as natural as possible, nasty chemicals lie hidden in a lot of creams for example some sunscreens have octyl methoxycinnamate which has been proven to disrupt brain and thyroid function. Another chemical in sunscreens is oxybenzone which disrupts the endocrine system and creates organ toxicity.
Yoga is a great motivator to all the organs of the body to eliminate toxins through the asanas, particularly the twists. As we move through our poses. Yoga creates a pure environment which makes us feel good through chemical release from our glands and the natural source of deep breathing enhances the oxygen levels within the body, this is a special tool to help make the skin glow.
As we know the skin is a mirror of the gut so lets eat clean from a rainbow of coloured fruits and vegetables which are full of antioxidants especially Vitamin C and A which promotes collagen and aides in repair.
Eat a good source of protein with each meal to keep cell renewal active and zinc levels up.
Drink heaps of filtered water daily as all the systems of the body require water for function.
Eat sauerkraut which is full of probiotics to allow gut bacteria flourish.
Drink apple cider to stimulate your enzymes to help break down food so you can absorb the nutrients efficiently.
Lastly hug and love your partners, children and animals, spread the love and feel the love in return.
My new treat is homemade peanut butter on oat bread. You’ll need organic roasted peanuts – Flannery’s Natural Organic Food Store sell these in bulk! Peanuts are actually a legume and are full of protein. They are high in Folate for strong bones, help prevent cancer and heart disease and have loads of Vitamin E- and next to grapes, peanuts are the highest in resveratrol. Roasting the peanuts increases the antioxidant content and we can also rave about the high phytosterol level which promotes healthy cholesterol. I make my peanut butter in my Omniblend and add extra virgin olive oil and Himalayan salt until the consistency is like the picture above. I say Peanut Butter is now a guilt free treat, so enjoy!