Take control of your life now and give to yourself the gift of peace.

SEPTEMBER HAS ARRIVED, we are excited to see the sun rising earlier and the sun setting later , more time to enjoy the beauty of the sunshine coast.
Take a walk on the beach , a dip in the ocean or a yoga class by the setting sun. All these things inspire our minds to stay in the moment and be grateful that such delights are at our doorstep.
Here at YOGA AT ALEX , we are able to see the sun set as we move through our asanas or poses, it is very grounding to be part of the closing of the day and witness the sun going down and the sky becoming an amazing colourful cloak that covers the world.
Peace is felt in the heart and we are reminded balance in our everyday life is essential.
I hope September is your month to feel at ease and grateful for your life. Namaste
When I go to a yoga class I want to do yoga, but in order to feel good doing yoga I have to prepare my body.
Awaken my spine to a flowing breathe and open my hips so they don’t constrict my movements.
Unfortunately I’m not your super flexible yogi who can jump straight into a cross-legged position and start stretching with flowing arm movements.
When I go to a yoga class I want to feel good, enjoy my body, I like a challenge but I don’t like to feel constricted.
These are the steps I have put in place in my own yoga classes, so the benefits of yoga can seep deeply into our subconscious minds and physical memories.
I want everyone to walk away from one of my classes feeling in love with their bodies and passionate about their lives.
It is only through experience that I have discovered how adaptable we really are if given the right encouragement.
So I start my classes off slow and encourage the body to relax and open up, then 9 out of ten times our bodies will be way more responsive than rushing straight into a cross legged pose or straight into a sun salute.
I hope this will help you understand yoga and stick with this ancient art of healing ,particularly if you are struggling at this moment.
Yoga can help us through many physical and mental barriers, as it places us in a state of physical awareness the brain pathways start to feel a renewed light and energy and create a new connection or reconnection between our physical form and our energy form.
We recognise that it is our own power or energy that gives us our choices that will eventually direct our lives to a deeper understanding of ourselves which seems to lift a giant weight from our shoulders.
Yoga shows us a simpler path through life, we just have to practice the ancient art!
It was so sad for me to say goodbye to my loyal friend of 17 years. A beautiful dog with the presence of an angel! Life is a circle for all of us but it is still very hard to watch that circle be completed for what we love in this world.
While visiting St Kilda I took the chance to share the view and imprint the memory on my brain. So of course sealing it with a pose, that I thought appropriate to the seaside. The eagle so much more than just a bird, as it glides across the skies it shows strength and power just by its presence. Next time you find yourself in eagle pose or garudasana, take a moment to feel the strength,power and freedom of the eagle.
When you first fall in love, you have the WOW! factor, you look amazing and you feel fabulous.
The skin glows and your eyes sparkle, but unfortunately this cannot last forever. So we have to help the body to keep the love up look, below is a few ways of doing so.
Laughter is number 1: The feeling of a good belly laugh releases endorphines these help send wellbeing messages via the central nervous system, to the largest organ of our body which is the skin.
The skin works hard to eliminate toxins and creates a barrier for our internal organs so in return dry brushing in a circular motion towards the heart will help keep pores clean and skin supple.The lymph system is also effected by the circular dry brushing, this assists the lymphatic system in eliminating excess fluid that causes puffiness, cellulite and that grey unhealthy tinge.
Get some Vitamin D from the sun but don’t get burnt. Spend 15 mins in the sun without sunscreen in the early hours of the morning or late afternoon to get your dosage of Vitamin D. This will give you a lovely glow as well as warding of lots of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, depression, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.
Make sure whatever you use on your skin is as natural as possible, nasty chemicals lie hidden in a lot of creams for example some sunscreens have octyl methoxycinnamate which has been proven to disrupt brain and thyroid function. Another chemical in sunscreens is oxybenzone which disrupts the endocrine system and creates organ toxicity.
Yoga is a great motivator to all the organs of the body to eliminate toxins through the asanas, particularly the twists. As we move through our poses. Yoga creates a pure environment which makes us feel good through chemical release from our glands and the natural source of deep breathing enhances the oxygen levels within the body, this is a special tool to help make the skin glow.
As we know the skin is a mirror of the gut so lets eat clean from a rainbow of coloured fruits and vegetables which are full of antioxidants especially Vitamin C and A which promotes collagen and aides in repair.
Eat a good source of protein with each meal to keep cell renewal active and zinc levels up.
Drink heaps of filtered water daily as all the systems of the body require water for function.
Eat sauerkraut which is full of probiotics to allow gut bacteria flourish.
Drink apple cider to stimulate your enzymes to help break down food so you can absorb the nutrients efficiently.
Lastly hug and love your partners, children and animals, spread the love and feel the love in return.