Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

April Here We Come🤸‍♂️

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Easter has rolled around and I want to wish everyone a happy time.
Easter is not really a holiday time for most of us but it certainly brings back happy memories when I was a child or when my girls were little😊.
These days Easter is just another long weekend and I get to choose how I would like to spend it💜

I am lucky enough to live near the sea, so an early surf or a beach run with my doggo are often my choice to start my day. So that’s where you will find me through Easter, What will you be doing for pleasure??

Let’s Hope April /Easter brings some time to do something you love💗

May 2O22

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As we cruise through the month of May 2O22 , we must reflect and stay grounded in our beliefs. In Queensland we have certainly had our share of rain, cyclones and unusual weather. This fills us with a bit of uncertainty and sadness for lots of people who lost their loved ones and homes. Its hard to have trust in the universe when we are presented with this picture but whatever the universe sends our way ,staying present in the moment always settles our ever fluctuating mind and emotions. Yoga and meditation is needed more than ever and if anything this is very evident here in the month of May , it is obvious that simplicity will help us cope with uncertainty and pain. So we must reflect ,breathe and practice yoga with a present mind, and we will fine peace

Reach for what you need but if its contentment you seek, you already have this, just look inside yourself and you shall see.

Autumn is full of Colour , feel the love of the Universe in all its glory.

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Always remember where your mind goes, your energy flows . Try to focus your mind on the beauty of the world. Or using touch to bring your mind back to the body and the NOW! touching your hand to your heart and feeling the beat and warmth can ground you and draw your mind into your control.


Yoga and Breathing techniques

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  1. What is all the fuss about breathing?? …
    Yes you breathe automatically BUT learning to regulate the breath is the best medicine anyone can do. Life becomes easier, you can control your mind and it’s wild antics , you can control stress , anxiety, pretty much all of life’s roll-coasteering of emotions. Regulating your breath helps your posture and all the systems of the body starting with the most important central nervous system. Yoga is breath and breath is Yoga.
    Union of the mind and body through breath is a healer, a supporter, the answer to a happier life.


Never underestimate Your body!

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I want to tell you a brief story, about your body and yoga.  I am always amazed how yoga can heal the body and that shift of physical  response eliminates  such tension mentally.

After  meeting a gentleman in his 70s who had worked all his life, in a busy industry, where it was crucial to always be one step ahead of plans prompted me to write his story.

On his first visit to me for his private yoga session he seems willing to learn but it was hard for him to relax, even as we spoke he shifted his weight from one foot to the other and he couldn’t wait to get out of the place when he finished.

He had some tension in his spine, mostly postural and learnt habits physically, his brain was wired to be switched on at all times even though he is retired now.

I have been seeing this gentleman fortnightly, so roughly about 5 times now.

He goes home and  practices what we do each fortnight, then returns, the  physical changes are  amazing he is a lot more relaxed and he has a lot more movement when swimming and with life in general.

I am proud of his dedication to his practice and his attitude, which is this …there is no quick fix to a well body and mind .

I agree with him full heartedly, we must nurture ourselves daily, yoga is the key to learning how to do this.

Set your standards to what your  personally is like. Make your practice suit you, some days you might feel 10mins is all you can manage, then do only 10 minutes.

Each day you will feel different so adjust your practice to suit this. Choose a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Australia ,to help you.

Start to feel free , live to control what you can and lose the  focus on what you can’t control.

Ultimately control your wellbeing and happiness will come.



Get in the swing!

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This time of year is all about caring for yourself, so lets make us some good clean energy!

Healthy food and moving our bodies will create clean ,healthy energy, this is going to make us feel good.

When we feel good ,we are happy, we are emotionally stable, we are content .

So veggies, salads,get those antioxidents in for glowing skin, shiny hair, proteins to grow new cells of every kind .

A happy body will give you the energy you desire that positive vibe of goodness oozing from your smile!

Of course Im going to say part of feeling good is moving.

Feeling your body moving in a flowing motion accompanied by your amazing breathe, is the final key in unlocking your world of knowlegde about what you need to function at your  most vibrational level.

The path or journey of self realisation is really about loving everything you are, so by following only two rules most of the time

1. Eat healthy and  2. practice yoga. will bring you there.