As we cruise through the month of May 2O22 , we must reflect and stay grounded in our beliefs. In Queensland we have certainly had our share of rain, cyclones and unusual weather. This fills us with a bit of uncertainty and sadness for lots of people who lost their loved ones and homes. Its hard to have trust in the universe when we are presented with this picture but whatever the universe sends our way ,staying present in the moment always settles our ever fluctuating mind and emotions. Yoga and meditation is needed more than ever and if anything this is very evident here in the month of May , it is obvious that simplicity will help us cope with uncertainty and pain. So we must reflect ,breathe and practice yoga with a present mind, and we will fine peace
How to reboot my brain and body in 15 mins
Often we say, my brain is too busy and my body is too tired. So what to do???
We want to connect the brain and body so they are running at the same rate, this can be done in as little as 15minutes, so whats your excuse.
Here are 3 ways to do just that.
1. Go outside, straight away your senses will be alerted, nature will make you feel grounded , walk around the block,
focusing on breathing from the belly through your nose for 15 minutes
2. Listen to music with your eyes half closed, breathing from the belly through your nose,as you walk around the room slowly at an even pace.
3. Stand up near a window if possible , stretch your arms up in the air while breathing in through your nose ,then as you exhale through your nose, sweep the arms behind your back and link the hands, opening the chest and feeling the space in your heart.
Repeat this up to 5 times .
Do any of these daily for a week and let me know if it helps…..
Why would it work because we are made of organic matter and absorb everything around us, we need time to file away information, to have a clear thinking brain and we need to use our bodies in some way to release tension, toxins ect to help the blood flow and even out the rubbish from the good stuff.
You will forget where you are up to and will take too long to get back into the mood to work.
The brain will be fresh and the body relaxed ,so ideas will flow at a much faster rate,
happiness is activated and negativity will be lifted, you will feel in control of your mind and body.
Being busy and not taking regular breaks, may make you feel like you are accomplishing so much, but really you are going over old ground a lot of the time, making mistakes and overlooking the obvious .
This teaches the brain to stay activated or wired , so the body releases the hormone cortisol because it feels threatened or stressed, the body and mind need to take a break, so allow yourself time to reboot and start this practice today.
You will sleep better, preform better , and be much happier.