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confidence - Yoga at Alex
Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

The Third Chakra-Manipura

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The Third Chakra lies in the area between  the abdomen and the lumbar spine. It is known as the fire Chakra it projects energy and vitality through the body and mind.

The third chakra is also know as Manipura meaning ‘city of jewels’, Manipura is the meeting place for the upward moving prana(energy) and the downward moving prana because it sits in the centre of the body.

If our Manipura is active and open we will have a feeling of inner strength,determination , enthusiasm and our inner warrior will feel alive.

If it is unbalanced we will have a feeling of weakness, lack of self control, victim conscious, easily controlled by others.

This chakra controls the solar plexus , adrenal glands, digestive organs, lower back and abdomen.

Asanas or poses to awaken the third Chakra are

1. bow pose


3. fire in the belly series

4.boat poses

5.supine twist