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art - Yoga at Alex
Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

Time to Breathe and Time to feel

Posted by & filed under Blog.

When we take the time to breathe properly and feel that breathe coming in and out of the body we are doing yoga.

We are allowing all the fluids within the body such as the cerebrospinal fluid, blood, digestive juices, ect ect to flow with the breath.

We are recalabrating our energy lines, thats why we will feel calm, clear headed and emotionally stable.

We can see and feel with the body and mind what the actual situation is that we are dealing with right at this moment.

This stops the mind and brain leading us a merry dance with what might happen in the future and what happened in the passed last time or what happened to someone else ect ect.

We learn to look inside the body and mind and see who we are based on what we are feeling at this moment without the distractions of the past and present.

Little bit by little bit we build the bridge to self realisation and start to understand what is best for us and how and what we need to stay happy and balance mentally emotionally and physically.