Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

When I go to a yoga class…

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When I go to a yoga class I want to do yoga, but in order to feel good doing yoga I have to prepare my body.

Awaken my spine to a flowing breathe and open my hips so they don’t constrict my movements.

Unfortunately I’m not your super flexible yogi who can jump straight into a cross-legged position and start stretching with flowing arm movements.

When I go to a  yoga class I want to feel good, enjoy my body, I like a challenge but I don’t like to feel constricted.

These are the steps I have put in place in my own yoga classes, so the benefits of yoga can seep deeply into our subconscious minds and physical memories.

I want everyone to walk away from one of my classes feeling in love with their bodies and passionate about their lives.

It is only through experience that I have discovered how adaptable we really are if given the right encouragement.

So I start my classes off slow and encourage the body to relax and open up, then 9 out of ten times our bodies will be way more responsive than rushing straight into a cross legged pose or straight into a sun salute.

I hope this will help you understand yoga and stick with this ancient art of healing ,particularly  if you are struggling at this moment.

Yoga can help us through many physical and mental barriers, as it places us in a state of physical awareness the brain pathways start to feel a renewed light and energy and create a new connection or reconnection  between our physical form and our energy form.

We recognise  that it is our own power or energy that gives us our choices that will eventually direct our lives to a deeper understanding of ourselves which seems to lift a giant weight from our shoulders.

Yoga shows us a simpler path through life, we just have to practice the ancient art!


Make Peace With Your Mind

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As the sun sets it drenches my world in amazing colours, too perfect to describe, the birds grow unusually quiet and I feel the time to silence my mind.

I climb up on two tall stools overlooking a small valley, the height of the stools, forces me to balance, I am immediately  drawn to the present moment . Some of the best live games you can find are:.

Without lifting my graze from the mesmerising sun, I slowly lengthen my body to form the ancient yoga pose of Trikonasana. But these images are simply edited, siberian storm slot machine we also provide first class customer service support for 24 hours. I feel the rays of the sun pierce through my heart and set my spirit free! Choose between promotions for slots, video poker, blackjack or stick with the standard welcome promotion open to most games.

The sun is my goddess and I feel her energy lighten my load. Many casinos will offer no deposits and bonus codes for free spins to get you to sign up as a new member. The words that enter my mind are soft and forgiving.

“I make mistakes, I am not perfect but my intentions are to do the best I can, my oath is to treat people as I would like to be treated”.

As the sun is slowly absorbed by the earthy hills, I feel closure to the day this brings me contentment and encourages a fresh start when the first light of the new day comes. Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store.


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It was so sad for me to say goodbye to my loyal friend of 17 years. A beautiful dog with the presence of an angel! Life is a circle for all of us but it is still very hard to watch that circle be completed for what we love in this world.