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ajna - Yoga at Alex
Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

Its time to get to know the 6th chakra!

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Ajna or spiritual eye chakra is centred between the eyebrows like a third eye, this is the chakra linked to our intuition.

When  his chakra is balanced we will hold strong sense of will power, concentration, memory and spiritual connection.

When we focus on the third eye we visualise the colour purple surrounded by blue blending outline this spills through to a  violet haze.

Ajna means command centre, so when we meditate, the inner gaze draws us through the spiritual eye to the space within the physical  body. This stimulates our awareness to a higher plane, increases grey matter within the brain as well as flooding the body with emotional wellbeing.

Physical areas influenced by this chakra are :Frontal lobe of the brain and eyes.

The mantra attached to Ajna is the sound Aum.

This chakra can be activated by

1. Focusing on the third eye while performing pranayama (breathing yogic breath).

1a. Nadi Shodana (alternative nostril breathing) or breathe retention and bandhas .

2. Headstand or (Shirsasana)

Usually a yoga class will bring us to the point of the third eye and it is just a matter of letting go and taking that journey through to that a higher plane,where the mind is truly rested and the body  feels replenished.

My words for what it feels like to enter this state, is we feel so relaxed, nothing else matters or is needed,  a whirling energy fills our entire existence and we feel FREE!


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