Yoga at Alex Beach Pose

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Spring is a time of growth, It’s a kind of coming out of the hibernation of winter into the growing and blooming time of Spring. 💚 Nature becomes very active , flowers bloom, animals get ready to have their babies, the world becomes alive with movement and growth.
The energy of spring moves through us Gently lighting up our energy pathways.
We feel like moving more as the weather becomes warmer and growth is all around us . The universe gently encourages us to look into our health and our well-being.

So I encourage you to move a little bit more , maybe by adopting a Yoga flow to become stronger and ready for more action in your everyday life. You will naturally feel awakening of your mind , to feel lighter physically and mentally.

There Are lots of different versions of the Sun salute, this can be a very warming and active flow , find the pace that suits you😊

Most sun salutes incorporate the seven movements of the spine making it a terrific spring Yoga practice.

Practising a few rounds of sun salute each morning or evening creates a toned and strong body helping the mind to stay strong in each moment that we face , while on our life journey.

So I encourage you to join me , in a yoga class here at Yoga at Alex or do practice both.
Some of your own practice at home and 1 class here with us. Good Luck on your Spring journey.

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